Monday, March 19, 2007

Spring arrives

How do I know that spring is here? Well, Raccoon River Park in West Des Moines is LOUD. That is, the call of chorus frogs is almost deafening.

The girls and I went to confirm our waypoints for an upcoming geocaching class -- we're presenting the class -- and in the parking lot, we hear constant, short creaking noises. The noise is pitched and paced somewhat like a cricket, and shorter than a bull frog croak. The closer you get to the marsh behind the parking lot, the louder the noise. A county naturalist explained it as running your thumb over a comb, and I would say that is pretty close.

After checking the waypoints (business first, of course), we explore the marsh. Without the right footwear, we give up. It was frustrating. If we were at Engeldinger Marsh, I would not hesitate to go barefoot. Here is photo from Engeldinger -- "the only marsh I [Cole] ever liked." However, the trash level at this park is rather high. I fear broken glass and metal. I've seen this marsh when it is dry. Now, to find some hip waders for rent....

On a high note, all three of us girls saw something odd on our way out of the marsh. Alex thought it looked like a strange, swollen brain. I thought it looked like a weird, yellow, plastic box. Only Ella was curious enough to call me to investigate. When she asked about it, I flipped it over with a stick. It was an old turtle shell! Later identified as an Eastern box turtle, Gabe affirmed his little sister, "That is a good find." It now resides on our front porch in our display area.

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