Tuesday, March 16, 2010

High Waters

The Raccoon River.

Yesterday is on the left. Look at the arches. They meet in points at the bottom. Like McDonald's golden arches, but there are five instead of two arches. Yesterday's water is above the points of the arches.

July 2009 is on the right, water is below the points. 2/4 of GAIN and I walked under the bridge in the picture in July.

Since we had a great sunny day, 3/4 of GAIN and I went to see the rivers yesterday at GC1557G Iowa Cubs Confluence. We saw one small iceberg, several trees floating along, and LOTS of fast, roiling water. Standing on the bridge, looking at the currents, we felt very insignificant.

The Des Moines River just downstream of the confluence.

Here I am yesterday, standing fairly close to the coordinates. The point was under water. There is a ruffled, watery, triangle behind my ear -- that is the confluence.

This is part of Sweet Shot Day, hosted by Darcy.

Sweet Shot Day


Pebblekeeper ~ Angie said...

I love watching the different water levels. Amazes me! Thanks for the Sweet Shots!

Darcy @ m3b said...

Did you happen to see the news with the shots from Adel and the Raccoon River? We haven't seen it yet, but we're thinking of driving over there to take pics.

Will miss the mtg tonight - hubby's at nat'l wrestling tourn. But I hope to make Apr / May.

Stay dry!