Monday, April 19, 2010


As in my last post about Dutchman's Breeches, violets can vary in color, too. We were tickled to find some eaten violets on a couple plants. You can see them here with a complete flower on the left.


juliecache said...

We really enjoy finding blue with yellow streaks and white with violet streaks. the last shot is for Sweet Shot Tuesday with Darcy.

Heather said...

Love the hand in the sweet shot photo. It adds so much interest... I never would have thought to do that.
Thanks for sharing.
(by way of m3b)

juliecache said...

my 9yo's hands are in, oh, about 90% of all my photos. LOL She is always with me, and just can't resist being out of a picture.

Stylist A said...

so pretty. definitely a sweet shot :)

patty said...

they (and 'buttercups') are the flower of my childhood! lovely finds, nice shots!

Mommy Reg said...

Violets are such delicate flowers. Lovely sweet shot.